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Post-grad Projects
Development of Stewart Platform for stability analysis of earthquake-resistant structures 
08/2019 - 11/2019
A proposed system can simulate an earthquake in six degrees of freedom and can be future-ready when seismometers are able to record seismic activity in all six degrees of freedom. The system is initially designed using MATLAB’s add-on SimScape and the controller model is derived using Simulink. 
The controller model is implemented in LabVIEW to visualize the relationship between position/orientation of platform to leg lengths. This program developed in LabVIEW can be transferred to a robust industrial real-time controller such as NI Compact RIO. The calculated leg lengths are communicated to an actual system to do a feasibility study in real-time. The image shows leg length vs time graph and user interface for performing basic operations on the Stewart platform.  This project intends to show how the Stewart platform can be used to analyze earthquake-resistant structures. 
Development of an Adaptive Prosthetic Gripper/Hand   
09/2019 - 10/2019 (6 weeks)         
Development of reliable, lightweight prosthetic gripper that can perform a power grasp and precision grasp of test objects. The gripper is prototyped using 3D printing technology and Hybrid deposition manufacturing technique. Several design strategies are implemented and investigated to achieve a robust design capable of grasping everyday objects which have different form factors.
The final design is in the video which demonstrates the ability of gripper to perform true dexterity i.e. both precision grasp as well as power grasp (form grasp) using only one motor. This design, not only performs well but also is lightweight. It consists of 26 3d printed PLA plastic parts, making it a modular design. The design is modeled in Autodesk Inventor and printed using Prusa printers. During the development of this gripper in a fast-paced environment, I have learned troubleshooting 3d printers and optimizing STL files using CURA software. Contact me if you want to know more.  
CC BY-NC 3.0
Industrial Automation
05/2019 - 06/2019         
This project is a simple Industrial Automation Project which demonstrates the detection and sorting of different colored and shaped objects. Many real industrial automation projects involve a simple application of searching using machine vision and sorting objects using pick and place automation. This project demonstrates both searching & sorting capabilities. This project has two Industrial Robots, a looped conveyor belt, a computer-based vision system, pneumatic actuators, and an industrial controller for demonstrating a complex control system.  
Computer vision is used for the detection of different colored and shaped objects. The computer vision system involves a high definition camera, lens, and lighting system, which enable us to capture a perfect photo of the object and determine it's properties, here it is the color and shape of the object. The captured photo undergoes image processing algorithms and determines the shape and color of the object. The controller takes the decision of sorting the object accordingly to detected properties. In the Manufacturing and Production industry,  many automated machines use this methodology for search and sort various objects. The whole logical process is implemented inside the industrial controller. 
Undergrad Projects
Simulated Embedded Systems Thesis
01/2015 - 05/2015
Research on different types of programmable IC, easy selection, and prototyping on simulated software. For developing embedded systems, we need to identify different types of programmable IC available in the market and assess their capabilities/limitations by running sample code on each different IC. After thorough research, I was able to categorize them into different classes of IC. Eventually, I found embedded systems that can be simulated in a virtual environment using software like Proteus. This reduces or eliminates the need for experimenting and wasting physical resources. Once the design of the custom embedded system is definite, we can buy exactly the required hardware to build an embedded system.
Vision recognition robot
06/2014 - 07/2014
Development of a vision recognition robot that works as an autonomous car. Vision recognition of colors of traffic lights through a web camera, obstacles with ultrasonic sensors and make necessary decisions in its motion path. The robot is trained with machine learning (supervised learning software module available LabVIEW) to identify traffic light colors and thus uses those colors as commands to perform an action. Machine learning enables the robot to perform efficiently under different lighting (illuminance) conditions. The robot moves according to the command received from the controller i.e. to move forward, stop, turn right, or turn left. 
Personal Robotic Projects
08/2014 - 12/2014
Development of a quadcopter/drone for experimental learning of an aerial device. It is built using brushless dc motors, Arduino, electronic speed controllers, Li-Ion Battery, Bluetooth module, 9-DOF IMU, and ultrasonic sensors. The aerial sequence is pre-programmed to fly and land.
Bluetooth - Robot Car
06/2014 - 08/2014
Developed a Bluetooth controlled robot that uses an Android mobile phone as a remote control for controlling a robot using Bluetooth technology. It performs actions such as moving forward, back, left, and right.  The robot has a receiver unit that receives the commands from the phone.
Line Follower
06/2014 - 18/2014
Developed Line Follower Robot by using the ATmega8 microcontroller and programmed in AVR Studio 4. I used two IR sensors to detect the black line, L293D motor driver IC, 2 DC geared motors, 12 V power supply, Atmega8 Micro-controller, breadboard, and a lot of jumper wires. 
Object Avoider
06/2014 - 08/2014
It is developed in a similar manner to the Line follower robot, the functionally it's different. It uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles in its path and changes the direction of motion. Given that, it is in a closed/walled environment, It can reach from point A to Point B with no collisions. 
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